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Saturday, February 19, 2011

WORDS that break me!

It happened on Thursday this week. This lady who usually has something negative to say to me almost everytime she sees me, comes up to me and touches my mid-section and says to me,"your tummy is big." Then she proceeds to ask me whether I had a C section and when I nodded yes she says along with hand gestures," you are so big and tall."
I can't tell you what her words did to set off this switch in my head...I was totally affected by her daughter did something I didn't like and I ended up yelling at her for 20 mins or so...and it continued the following day when she did something I didn't care for. The mean lady in me just showed up and took control. Thursday night I stuffed my face. Friday I got back on track.
She is from the Philippines and I don't even know her name. She is somebody I run into while I am waiting to pick my daughter up at school. Maybe next time I should tell her how I have heard the 'Pilipinas' eat dogs and cats! We know they eat worms if you have watched Bizzare foods on the Travel channel. I can think of so many mean things to say to her but is that what I want to be, pay kind for kind?! Forgive 70 times 7 according to the so hard to do!
I don't want words to affect me BUT it does!

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